Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

Seminar Proceedings of “Value Driven Marketing: Challenges & Opportunities”

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), Mumbai had organized the National Seminar on “Value Driven Marketing: Challenges & Opportunities”on 14th March, 2020 in the institute seminar hall. The seminar began with dignitaries lighting of the lamp and paying their tribute to Shri. Lala Lajpatraiji. The dignitaries of the inaugural session consisted of Mr. Sailesh Mishra–… Continue reading Seminar Proceedings of “Value Driven Marketing: Challenges & Opportunities”

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Management Development programme on February 28th 2020, conducted at LLIM

Management Development programme on February 28th 2020, conducted at LLIM

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Value Creation through Leadership

Sr.No Seminars Speakers 1 Value Driven Marketing: Challenges & Opportunities Chief Guest of the seminar- Mr. Sailesh Mishra founder President – Silver Innings Group.Mr. Gaurav Agarwal –Senior Manager – Sales & Operations, Directi.Ms. Pankhuri Kumari, Co-Founder & CEO, BlackSwan Creative. 2 Integrated Approach to Stockholders Behavior and Factors Affecting Investment Decisions. Dr. Aditya Srinivas, COO… Continue reading Value Creation through Leadership

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Technology infrastructure as a catalytic agent for eradicating rural poverty

LLIM organized National Seminar sponsored by NABARD on January 18, 2020. The seminar topic was “Technology Infrastructure As A Catalytic Agent For Eradicating Rural Poverty”. Mr. B. D. Nayak, DGM, NABARD; Mr. Pankaj Kumar, DGM, NABARD; Mr. Rajesh Shet, VP Manipal Technologies Limited; Mr.Jaysing Patil, CEO, Shriram Fortune Solutions Ltd; Mr. Mayur Tambe, Sr. Executive… Continue reading Technology infrastructure as a catalytic agent for eradicating rural poverty

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National Seminar on Integrated approach to stockholders 12th Oct 2019

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), Mumbai had organized the National Seminar on “Marketing to Millennials – Strategies & Challenges” on 16th March, 2019 in the institute auditorium. As the Critical analysis of factors contributing to investor’s decision is very much essential not only from the point of view of academics but also from policy… Continue reading National Seminar on Integrated approach to stockholders 12th Oct 2019

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Marketing to Millennials – Strategies & Challenges on 16th March, 2019

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), Mumbai had organized the National Seminar on “Marketing to Millennials – Strategies & Challenges” on 16th March, 2019 in the institute auditorium. The seminar began with dignitaries lighting of the lamp and paying their tribute to Shri. Lala Lajpatraiji. The dignitaries of the inaugural session consisted of Mr. Sunil… Continue reading Marketing to Millennials – Strategies & Challenges on 16th March, 2019

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Digital India for Agricultural and Rural develop on 19th Jan 2019

This National Seminar was held on 19th Jan 2019 on the topical subject Digital India for Agricultural and Rural development – Scope and Limitations. The subject represented in leveraging Make in India for Agriculture and utilization of specialist’s knowhow for indigenous agriculture. The efficient management of technology is in great demand in order to respond… Continue reading Digital India for Agricultural and Rural develop on 19th Jan 2019

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National Conference Sexual Harassment at Workplace on 29 Sep 2018

National Conference on “ Sexual Harassment at Workplace : Indian Perspective” held on 29-09-2018 in collaboration with University of Mumbai Law Academy (UMLA)Sexual harassment is global and widespread and is tolerated as a social phenomenon. Sexual harassment may be homosexual as well as heterosexual. But the available data and court cases reveal that heterosexual mode… Continue reading National Conference Sexual Harassment at Workplace on 29 Sep 2018

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Marketing in the Convergence Era held on 17th March, 2018

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National Seminar on Bio Diversity held on 17th Feb 2018

In the context of depleting fossil based resources, climate changes, growing global population and discovery of sustainable resources – the requirement of efficient strategies is of utmost importance. The efficient management of bio economy at both micro and macro levels is in great demand in order to respond to the emerging environment. Further-more there is… Continue reading National Seminar on Bio Diversity held on 17th Feb 2018

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