Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

Layer 7

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

Learning and Development


Faculty at LLIM are encouraged to practice different types of teaching-learning methods. They are as follows:

1.Analysis of articles from Management Magazines and News Papers:

Up-to-date articles are discussed in class to make students aware of the latest advances in the subject area.

Course Linked to: Supply chain management, HRM, service management, Retail management, sales management.

2.Quiz and Discussions

Based on Business News
Students have dedicated library hour every week. They are grouped and regular quizzes are conducted based on financial news from business newspapers. Students are also encouraged to get involved in discussions and presentations.
Linked to Library Hour

3.Book review

As part of curriculum, they have to review management books and present it in class.
Course Linked to: Entrepreneurship management

4.Live Projects / study tour / industry linkage

In order to increase the exposure of LLIM students with respect to business acumen and industry practices, an MOU was signed with various organisations to facilitate exposure.
Students receive management inputs in Marketing, HR, Operations and Finance from experts.

5.Live Share of knowledge – Udaan ( Give wings to Ideas)

In order to increase the exposure of LLIM students with respect to entrepreneurship and industry practices, we organize Udaan event based on concept of Give wings to Ideas. Encouraging students to be entrepreneur and in turn give students a chance to come up with business models and learn industry practices from experts.
Course Linked to: entrepreneurship management

6.Brain Challenge – Business Analytics with Simulation

As a part of project management and Service Operations curriculum, LLIM used an exciting simulation exercise with different tools. It applied to test the student’s understanding of key concepts in Project management and Service Operations.
Course Linked to: Service Operations, Project management

7.Environmental Sensitization

Students were asked to videos related to environmental issues and present the same in class as part of the course.
Course linked to: Business environment

8.Master Class

Objective: To enhance theoretical learning with practical knowledge
When Masters explain their real-life challenges, it augments the academic inputs obtained from published sources and classroom discussions facilitated by masters. A few of our faculty invites such experts to their classroom sessions to engage the students.
Courses Linked to: Fundamentals of Service Marketing, Digital Marketing, sales management,
financial management, international logistics.

9.Student Research

Objective: To enhance theoretical learning with practical application
As a part of research methodology course, students are divided into different clusters and encouraged to undertake a Research Project. This will enable the students to understand and practice business research in a real world setting. LLIM students contributed their research work in LLIM Research Journal.
Course Linked to: Business Research Methodology

10.Advance Excel Workshop

Implementing development programmes for faculty can help them keep on top of the latest technologies and work as efficiently as possible. EXCEL is an excellent tool for data analysis and data visualizations with charts. Concerned faculty conduct EXCEL workshops for LLIM students. The workshop consists of learning applications of functions, formulas, graphs or charts and tables. This helps in their subject areas and also to present their data more effectively. This approach helps students to be technology savvy.