स्वातंत्र्यचा अमृत महोत्सवानिमित " मेरी माटी, मेरा देश

Date: 09th August – 2023
Name of Faculty: Dr. Arati Kale, Prof. Nitu Nair
Description: “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” is a term used to commemorate the 75th anniversary of India’s independence from British colonial rule. It is a grand celebration planned to span from 2022 to 2023, culminating on 15th August, 2023; which marks India’s 76th Independence Day. The celebrations aim to reflect on India’s journey since gaining independence in 1947, paying homage to the sacrifices of the freedom fighters, and showcasing the progress and achievements made by India. The celebrations are expected to include a wide range of events, initiatives, and programs across India. The goal is to engage citizens, especially the youth, in the spirit of patriotism, national pride, and dedication to the country’s continued growth.
“Mera Mati, Mera Desh” (My Motherland, My Country) is a part of the Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav and a sentiment that reflects sense of patriotism, the deep connection, emotional bond, cultural identity and love; an individual feels for their homeland.
In keeping with our assurance to the above and directions received from DTE on 08-08-2023 to celebrate the above event, Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM) organised an oath taking ceremony on 09-08-2023 at 10.00 a.m. sharp, centered around the theme of “Mera Mati Mera Desh” which was a powerful and symbolic event, inspiring individuals to reaffirm their commitment and dedication to India. The tone was set for the ceremony by creating a solemn and respectful atmosphere by our Director Dr. H. J. Bhasin. The ceremony commenced with a welcome address by our Director, who emphasized the significance of the occasion and the theme of “Mera Mati Mera Desh” by highlighting the importance of unity, patriotism, and collective responsibility for the progress of the nation. At 10.00 a.m. sharp, the Director alongwith Dr. Arati Kale and Prof. Nitu Nair lead the audience in reciting the oath-PANCH PRAN that captured the spirit of the theme.
PANCH PRAN focus on the five resolves –
1. A resolve of developed India;
2. Removing any trace of the colonial mindset;
3. Taking pride in our legacy;
4. Our strength of unity;
5. Fulfilling the duties of citizens with honesty, which the Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi termed ‘Panch Pran’ (five resolves) to ensure a developed India in the next 25 years, i.e in 2047. The event saw enthusiastic participation from Teaching, Non Teaching staff and Students of LLIM by reciting the oath-PANCH PRAN and closing the ceremony with National Anthem.