Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

Communal Harmony Campaign Week and Flag Day Celebration

Name of the Topic:Communal Harmony Campaign Week and Flag Day Celebration Date:19 to 25-November-2023 Name of Faculty Incharge :Dr. Arati Kale and Dr. Priyadarshini Nidhan Venue: LLIM College Seminar Hall Description: NFCH observes Communal Harmony Campaign and Fund Raising Week every year from 19th to 25th November and the last working day of the week… Continue reading Communal Harmony Campaign Week and Flag Day Celebration

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Blood Donation Drive in Association with HDFC Bank

The Participants included Faculty Members, Non-Teaching Staff and Students. LLIM in collaboration with KEM Hospital and Sankalp Swapnpurti Pratishthan (NGO for Visually Impaired) organized a Blood Donation Drive on 3rd November 2023 in the Library Room on 2nd Floor. The entire event was sponsored by HDFC Bank, Kamala Mills. Doctors (from KEM Hospital) and their… Continue reading Blood Donation Drive in Association with HDFC Bank

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Helmet4Life –”One Helmet, One Life” – A Life-Saving Initiative

Name of the Topic:Helmet4Life –”One Helmet, One Life” – A Life-Saving Initiative Date:23-October-2023 Name of Faculty Incharge :Dr. Arati Kale and Dr. Kinjal Shah Venue: LLIM College Seminar Hall Description: “One Helmet, One Life” is an event with a mission—to raise awareness about the critical importance of wearing helmets while riding motorcycles and to distribute… Continue reading Helmet4Life –”One Helmet, One Life” – A Life-Saving Initiative

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To become a donor it just takes a small vial of blood or swab of cheek cells to be typed as a bone marrow/stem cell donor. There are many cancer patients who are desperately waiting to find a donor match and we may be able to save someone’s life. The Participants included Faculty members, non-teaching… Continue reading BONE MARROW REGISTRY

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Oath taking ceremony “PANCH PRAN” as advised by DTE – स्वातंत्र्यचा अमृत महोत्सवानिमित ” मेरी माटी, मेरा देश “

स्वातंत्र्यचा अमृत महोत्सवानिमित ” मेरी माटी, मेरा देश Venue: LALA LAJPATRAI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, LALA LAJPATRAI MARG, MUMBAI Date: 09th August – 2023 Name of Faculty: Dr. Arati Kale, Prof. Nitu Nair Description: “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” is a term used to commemorate the 75th anniversary of India’s independence from British colonial rule. It is… Continue reading Oath taking ceremony “PANCH PRAN” as advised by DTE – स्वातंत्र्यचा अमृत महोत्सवानिमित ” मेरी माटी, मेरा देश “

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AICTE Tree Plantation Drive 2023: One Student One Tree

AICTE Tree Plantation Drive 2023 Venue: LALA LAJPATRAI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, LALA LAJPATRAI MARG, MUMBAI Date:  31st July – 2023 Name of Faculty: Dr. Arati Kale, Dr. Priyadarshini Nidhan Description: All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has launched the MeriLiFE: Massive Tree Plantation Drive 2023 as a crucial initiative to combat climate change and… Continue reading AICTE Tree Plantation Drive 2023: One Student One Tree

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Dawat-e-Lala – An incredible initiative in Mumbai – 2023!!

COMMUNITY SERVICES Venue: Daawat-e-Lala – An incredible initiative in Mumbai! Date: 10th September 2023 Faculty Incharge: Dr. Arati Kale and Dr. Priyadarshini Nidhan Venue: Various Stations at Western, Central and Harbour Lines Report Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM) one of the premier management institutes in Mumbai had conducted a social initiative named ‘Dawat-e-Lala’. The… Continue reading Dawat-e-Lala – An incredible initiative in Mumbai – 2023!!

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Celebration of 9th International Day of Yoga, 2023 (IDY-2023)

9th International Day of Yoga, 2023 Venue: LLIM Seminar Hall, Room No. 610. ! Date: 21st June – 2023Duration:10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Name of Faculty: Dr. Arati Kale, Dr. Priyadarshini Nidhan COMMITTEE ON SOCIALLY RELEVANT SERVICES Description: LLIM encourages its staff members and students to understand benefits of practicing meaningful Yoga. Objective: During the… Continue reading Celebration of 9th International Day of Yoga, 2023 (IDY-2023)

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World Environment Day Celebration under activities for mass mobilization on Mission LiFE

As per the directive issued by the AICTE, for major outreach and advocacy activities for mass mobilization on Mission LiFE, In the runup to World Environment Day on 5th June, 2023, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change envisages that all ministries/Departments/Organisations/State Governments and UTs may organise major outreach and advocacy activities for mass mobilization… Continue reading World Environment Day Celebration under activities for mass mobilization on Mission LiFE

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BONE MARROW REGISTRY in association with Marrow Donor Registry of India (MDRI)

To become a donor it just takes a small vial of blood or swab of cheek cells to be typed as a bone marrow/stem cell donor. There are many cancer patients who are desperately waiting to find a donor match and we may be able to save someone’s life. The Participants included Faculty members, non-teaching… Continue reading BONE MARROW REGISTRY in association with Marrow Donor Registry of India (MDRI)

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