In the context of depleting fossil based resources, climate changes, growing global population and discovery of sustainable resources – the requirement of efficient strategies is of utmost importance. The efficient management of bio economy at both micro and macro levels is in great demand in order to respond to the emerging environment. Further-more there is an imperative need to evolve holistic development of policy for bio economy and bio diversity operations. Any Management ignoring biodiversity concerns and challenges do so at their own peril.
Against this backdrop, Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLlM) organized the seminar on “Bio Diversity – Management Concerns and Challenges”. Eminent speakers of varied backgrounds with industry and domain experience shared their expertise, experience, knowledge and discussed the initiatives taken and required to build an effective Bio Diversity ecosystems.
Dr. U.S. Saha, Chief General Manager, NABARD delivered the inaugural address and explained in depth the importance and the need for Bio Diversity and presented major NABARD initiatives in providing the development and financial support in the area of Natural Resource Management. Dr. C. L. Dadhich, Hon. Secretary of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai delivered key note address on Managing Bio-Economy of India: Some Reflections and emphasized the need for a proper synthesis of bioeconomy with business to make it sustainable and profitable. Mr. Rohit Pansare who is working as a Principal Environmental Planner at Environmental Management Centre LLP spoke about Biodiversity impacts assessments which are important component of the Environmental Impact Assessment Reports as well as regulatory requirement for different type of projects.
Dr Rajendra D. Shinde the Head, Department of Botany & the Director, Blatter Herbarium at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai delivered a keynote address on Agriculture Biodiversity Use it or lose it. Dr. Shinde articulated how Biodiversity is the basis of agriculture and how it is the origin of all species of crops and domesticated livestock and the variety within them. Today’s crop and livestock biodiversity are the result of many thousand years of human intervention.
Prof. Dr. Satyamurthy, Faculty Member at the NIBM and former Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Florida (USA), Certified Professional of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry presented detailed review of Bio-diversity and Bio-economy, their development, current policy, emerging issues and management aspects and concluded how proper emphasis can leads to many jobs at different levels and locations including in rural areas.
Mr. Umakant Tasgoankar the Director, Travel & Foreign Education at Harrow World, Mumbai brought out the Contribution of Eco-Tourism to Bio Diversity. He explained what Ecotourism is; why it is important; its relevance with Indian context and how it has contributed to Bio Diversity in India.
Dr. Raju Kasambe, IBA Program Manager and In-charge, Conservation Education Centre, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, and Mumbai delivered keynote address on Bird Conservation in India and Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas Programme. Dr Kasambe advocated the paramount need for IBA (Important Bird Area) and illustrated many IBAs in India and provided excellent videos and images of these IBAs.
Technical presentations and Valedictory session was concluded with vote of thanks by the Seminar Coordinator Prof. N. Balasubramanian. The students who are the future managers and the faculty and the delegates of the seminar were sensitized about the need for Bio Diversity and how important to enhance it for a sustainable world by these experts. The expertise, experience, initiatives, information and perceptions brought in new dimensions and vista for all the participants.