Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

National Seminar on ‘Goods & Services Tax (GST) held on 7th Oct 2017

Leading Chartered accountants and renowned professionals in the field of Indirect Taxes who addressed the seminar have made searching and practically useful observations on the policy of Goods and Services Tax (GST), a revolutionary step taken by the Government of India to make Indian economy stronger than before. The launching of GST effective from 1st… Continue reading National Seminar on ‘Goods & Services Tax (GST) held on 7th Oct 2017

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National Seminar Tech HR Paradigm Shifts & Opportunities 23 Sep 2017

The distinguished speakers in the Seminar were Mr.Sunil Somranjan, CHRO Reliance Capital; Mr.Vinod Nair, HR Head-Mahindra Finance; Mr.Krishnakant Mane, HR Consultant; Mr.Paras Rastogi, Business Manager-British Telecom. In the context of emerging imperative need for adoption of latest technology in the workplace, HRM has a lot to look forward to cloud computing, easier storage, better insights… Continue reading National Seminar Tech HR Paradigm Shifts & Opportunities 23 Sep 2017

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National Seminar on “Innovations in Marketing” on 18th March 2017

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), one of the leading business schools in Mumbai, is wedded to the task of providing quality management education and research. LLIM endeavours to enhance students’ innate potential and transform them into efficient performers by equipping them with the appropriate knowledge, skill and attitude. As part of this overall vision… Continue reading National Seminar on “Innovations in Marketing” on 18th March 2017

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National Seminar on Voice of Human Resources on 4th Mar 2017

A National Seminar on ‘The Voice of Human Resources’ was organized by the Human Resources Department, Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management on 4th March,2017 from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. in the Institute’s auditorium. The Seminar began with the lighting of the lamp and garlanding of Shri Lalaji’s bust. The themes of the Seminar were:… Continue reading National Seminar on Voice of Human Resources on 4th Mar 2017

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National Seminar on Smart Farming & Agricultural & Prospects on 21st Jan, 2017

According to United Nations (FAO) prediction, the food production worldwide should see a 70% increase by 2050 to cater the ever growing population. Technology will play a central role in achieving this imperatives and experts believe that Future of Farming through IoT (Internet of Things) perspective, will be the enabler of Smart Farming revolution. Recognising… Continue reading National Seminar on Smart Farming & Agricultural & Prospects on 21st Jan, 2017

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National Seminar on Neuro-Finance 15th Oct 2016

Leading academicians and renowned professionals who participated in the seminar have made searching observations on the subject; Neuro- Finance. The subject is unique in all respects, not much known and discussed in the forums in India. The neurology of individual’s plays a very important role in investment decisions both in finance, real sectors and also… Continue reading National Seminar on Neuro-Finance 15th Oct 2016

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New Paradigms in Marketing: Strategies for the future”. 19th Mar 2016

Sr.No Name of the speaker Organization Organization Title of the seminar 1 Ms. Lerato Mashile Political of the Consulate of South Africa Consulate India’s historical relationships with South Africa 2 Mr. Rishabha Nayaar Lowe Lintas Senior Vice-President Winds of change in strategic advertising in today’s world 3 Mr. Milind Borgikar House Founder NBAs of telecom… Continue reading New Paradigms in Marketing: Strategies for the future”. 19th Mar 2016

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“Make in India – Aspiration to Attainment”. 5th March, 2016

Sr.No Name of the speaker Organization Designation Title of the seminar 1 Dr. S.S. Mantha AICTE Former Chairman, AICTE,New Delhi Make in India – Aspirations to Attainment 2 Mr. Sujay Kulkarni Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd. COO/Director Multi-dimensional Manufacturing, Technology and Innovation in Electronics 3 Mr. Rajesh Dubbewar Lumax Auto Technologies Ltd. VP and Head of… Continue reading “Make in India – Aspiration to Attainment”. 5th March, 2016

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“Emerging Issues in Human Resources”. 10th February, 2016

Sr.No Name of the speaker Organization Designation Title of the seminar 1 Bk. Divyaprabha Brahmakumari Sub-zone in charge of the Raj Yoga Centres of North Mumbai Brother Emerging Issues in Human Resources 2 Br. Vedchaitanya Chinmaya mission Managing Multi-Generation Workforce 3 Prof. Krishna Kant Mane IIT, Mumbai Research Scholar Solutions for Rural Digital empowerment with… Continue reading “Emerging Issues in Human Resources”. 10th February, 2016

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BRICS Group of Emerging Economies Implications for 17th Oct, 2015

Sr.No Name of the speaker Organization Designation Title of the seminar 1 Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti DH Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Chartered Accountant, Group Chairman BRICS group of emerging Economies : Implication for Global Economic and Financial System 2 Dr. Vishnu Kanhare Consultancy Chartered Accountant Over view od “BRICS 3 Dr. Aparajita Biswas Centre for African Studies,… Continue reading BRICS Group of Emerging Economies Implications for 17th Oct, 2015

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