Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

National Seminar On “Vision 2030: Challenges And Opportunities In Human Resource Development In The Context Of Artificial Intelligence (Ai)”

Name of the Event : National Seminar On “Vision 2030: Challenges And Opportunities In Human Resource Development In The Context Of Artificial Intelligence (Ai)”   Guest Speakers: Mr. Sachin Ralhan, Assistant Program Manager, Tata Trust. Mr. Shriram Patil, General Manager, Transasai Biomedicals Ltd. Tejal Shah, Chief Human Resource Officer, Anand Rathi Wealth Ltd.   Date:… Continue reading National Seminar On “Vision 2030: Challenges And Opportunities In Human Resource Development In The Context Of Artificial Intelligence (Ai)”

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Smart Money Moves: Mastering Personal Finance and Wealth Management

Date: 14th December, 2024 Venue: LLIM, Mumbai Time: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm A one day National Seminar in association with BSE Investor Protection Fund and Wise Trader Academy   was conducted on the topic “Smart Money Moves: Mastering Personal Finance and Wealth Management” in LLIM Auditorium from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Approximately 200 participants… Continue reading Smart Money Moves: Mastering Personal Finance and Wealth Management

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National Seminar-“Technology and Digital Finance” at BSE International Conventional Hall.

World Investor week 2024 celebration: ANMI Investisiya-2024 organized National seminar on Technology and digital finance, sub theme: Fraud and scam prevention and basics of investing. LLIM participated at BSE International Conventional Hall to attend National Seminar- Technology and Digital Finance on 16th October, 2024 with 9 SYMMS Finance specialization students and with one faculty Dr.Kinjal… Continue reading National Seminar-“Technology and Digital Finance” at BSE International Conventional Hall.

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Unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Banking, Commodities and Capital Markets

Event Date: 3rd & 4th November, 2023 At LLIM, Mumbai.. A two day National Seminar was conducted on the topic “Unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Banking, Commodities and Capital Markets” in LLIM Auditorium from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on both days. Approximately 300 participants including students and faculty members attended the… Continue reading Unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Banking, Commodities and Capital Markets

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“Customer Experience … The Next Competitive Battle Ground”

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), Mumbai had organized the National Seminar on “Customer Experience …The Next Competitive Battle Ground” on 1st April 2023 in the institute auditorium. The seminar began with dignitaries lighting of the lamp and paying their tribute to Shri. Lala Lajpatraiji. The dignitaries of the inaugural session consisted of Dr. Vivek… Continue reading “Customer Experience … The Next Competitive Battle Ground”

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Financial Frauds and Anti-Money Laundering Laws

Held on 11th & 13th February, 2023 at LLIM, Mumbai LLIM organized a two-day National Seminar on the topic “Financial Frauds and Anti-Money Laundering Laws” in LLIM Auditorium from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on both days. Approximately 300 participants including students and faculty members attended the event. Day 1 started with welcoming the guests… Continue reading Financial Frauds and Anti-Money Laundering Laws

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Growth opportunities and challenges in Crypto currency

Proceedings Of The Seminar 1.  The Online Finance National Seminar on growth opportunities and challenges in Crypto Currency was conducted on Saturday, 14th August, 2021, at 610, LLIM Seminar Hall. Dr. Aditya Shrinivas,Chief Operating officer and chief economist at Bombay stock exchange brokers forum, head international business division delivered the first key-note address. Mr. Mahir… Continue reading Growth opportunities and challenges in Crypto currency

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Online HR National Seminar on “Transition Management: The HR Perspective

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), Mumbai had organized the Online HR National Seminar on “TRANSITION MANAGEMENT: The HR Perspective was conducted on Saturday, 7th August, 2021, at 610, LLIM Seminar Hall. Dr. Arati Kale (Seminar Convener) and Dr. Priyadarshini Nidhan (Seminar Coordiantor) hosted the Seminar. The dignitaries of the inaugural session consisted of Mr.… Continue reading Online HR National Seminar on “Transition Management: The HR Perspective

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The Smarter Supply Chains for India’s Future

This National Seminar was held under the patronage of the Operations department on 31st Jul 2021 on the contemporary and pertinent topic of “The Smarter Supply Chains for India’s Future”. Global economy post pandemic is going through uncertain and disruptive phase, and it is important that Indian supply chain stakeholders take cognizant of the challenges… Continue reading The Smarter Supply Chains for India’s Future

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Seminar On “Retaining Customer Loyalty In Covid Times”

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), Mumbai had organized the Online National Seminar on “Retaining Customer Loyalty in Covid Times” on April 3, 2021. Mr. Anand Rao, Senior Director – Business Development Delivery Pvt Ltd, Ex Senior Global Manager – FedEx, Mr. Prashant Pradhan, CEO, Warriors Inc., Ex Trade India.Com and Mr. Anuj Modgil, Consultant… Continue reading Seminar On “Retaining Customer Loyalty In Covid Times”

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