Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

International Yoga Day 21st June 2022

International Yoga Day 21st June 2022 Venue:LLIM Seminar Hall, Room No. 610. ! Date:21st June – 2022 Under Community Services: Among the various initiatives implemented under Community services, Lala Lajpatrai institute of management celebrated International yoga day on 21st June, 2022. The workshop was held in LLIM Seminar Hall, Room No. 610. The trainer was… Continue reading International Yoga Day 21st June 2022

Categorized as CSR

Blood Donation Drive in Association with HDFC Bank

The Participants included Faculty Members, Non-Teaching Staff and Students. LLIM in collaboration with HDFC Bank organized a Blood Donation Drive on 7th December 2022 in the Audi Foyer. Doctors (from KEM Hospital) and their assistants first checked the blood samples for their suitability of reuse. Upon confirming the suitability, the blood was extracted from the… Continue reading Blood Donation Drive in Association with HDFC Bank

Categorized as CSR

Leveraging Technology to cope with Global Supply Chain Disruptions

Mr. Nagendra Aswatha Managing partner in NS4 Management Solutions LLP Date: 19/12/2022 Venue: Room No. 610, Seminar Hall, Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management Topics Covered: • Difference between Domestic and International Logistics and Supply Chain • Role of CFS/ICD • Basics of Ocean,Air Freight and MMT • Export-Import Process and Documentation • INCOTERMS 2020 •… Continue reading Leveraging Technology to cope with Global Supply Chain Disruptions

Data Analytics and Digital Marketing data

Resource Person: Mr. Sachin Sadare Founder and Director of Digital Dojo Date: 25th January, 2023. Faculty Incharge: Dr. Shilpa C. Shinde, Dr. M. Gowrishankar Mr. Sachin Sadare discussed about Difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing, Pillars of digital marketing, Concept of data analytics, Tools used in data analytics, Google, social media and email analytics and how entrepreneur… Continue reading Data Analytics and Digital Marketing data

Accelerators – Opportunities for Students and Faculties Early Stage Entrepreneurs

Topic: “Accelerators – Opportunities for Students and Faculties : Early Stage Entrepreneurs” Chief Guest: Mr. Aadesh Surya Rao from Institution’s Innovation Council[IIC], Mumbai. Date: 05th August, 2023. Place: 6th Floor, @Seminar Hall,Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management. Faculty Organizing Team: Dr. Gagan Bhatia, Dr. M. Gowrishankar, Dr. A. Balasubramanian The session began with lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries and… Continue reading Accelerators – Opportunities for Students and Faculties Early Stage Entrepreneurs

Synergy Event

The MMS students of Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM) hosted its Annual Alumni Meet Synergy 2023..

Management Development Programme

The Honourable Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshiyari unveiled…

“Customer Experience … The Next Competitive Battle Ground”

Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management (LLIM), Mumbai had organized the National Seminar on “Customer Experience …The Next Competitive Battle Ground” on 1st April 2023 in the institute auditorium. The seminar began with dignitaries lighting of the lamp and paying their tribute to Shri. Lala Lajpatraiji. The dignitaries of the inaugural session consisted of Dr. Vivek… Continue reading “Customer Experience … The Next Competitive Battle Ground”

Categorized as Seminars

Financial Frauds and Anti-Money Laundering Laws

Held on 11th & 13th February, 2023 at LLIM, Mumbai LLIM organized a two-day National Seminar on the topic “Financial Frauds and Anti-Money Laundering Laws” in LLIM Auditorium from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on both days. Approximately 300 participants including students and faculty members attended the event. Day 1 started with welcoming the guests… Continue reading Financial Frauds and Anti-Money Laundering Laws

Categorized as Seminars

Golden Jubilee Memorial Lecture

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