Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

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International Yoga Day 21st June 2022


International Yoga Day 21st June 2022

Venue:LLIM Seminar Hall, Room No. 610. !

Date:21st June – 2022

Under Community Services:

Among the various initiatives implemented under Community services, Lala Lajpatrai institute of management celebrated International yoga day on 21st June, 2022. The workshop was held in LLIM Seminar Hall, Room No. 610. The trainer was Mr. Amey Naykode (Specialist in Lifestyle Transformation Modules). The Participants were the Faculty members, non-teaching staff and students.

The session started with the Trainer-Mr. Amey Naykode explaining the conceptual part of yoga. He elaborated on the various streams Bhakti, Karma, Jnana and Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga also known as Patanjali Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga which consists of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharma, Dhyana and Samadhi was very well briefed by the Trainer. Post knowledge transformation, experiential learning was initiated comprising of various Asanas in the standing position like Tadasana, Ardhakatichakrasana, Padahastasana, Ardha chakrasana, Vrikshasana. Asanas in the sitting position like Janushirasana, Paschimottanasana, Ustrasana and Bhadrasana. Asanas in the sleeping position like Ardhahalasana, Navasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana. The session ended with Surya Namaskar, savasana and meditation with chanting.

The above yogic asanas could be practiced regularly even in hectic schedule. 

Dr. Arati Kale Dr. Priyadarshini Nidhan

Sr No Nature of Work
1 Theory - for better understanding of yoga and its need in today's modern world.
2 Asanas - (prevention as well as cure) to keep body fit and flexible, rejuvenating & toxin free.
3 Surya Namaskar - Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses. Besides being a great cardiovascular workout, Surya Namaskar is also known to have an immensely positive impact on the body and mind.
4 Meditation - to calm and relax and combat stress, etc.

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International Yoga Day 21st June 2022

Venue:LLIM Seminar Hall, Room No. 610. !

Date:21st June – 2022

Under Community Services:

Among the various initiatives implemented under Community services, Lala Lajpatrai institute of management celebrated International yoga day on 21st June, 2022. The workshop was held in LLIM Seminar Hall, Room No. 610. The trainer was Mr. Amey Naykode (Specialist in Lifestyle Transformation Modules). The Participants were the Faculty members, non-teaching staff and students.

The session started with the Trainer-Mr. Amey Naykode explaining the conceptual part of yoga. He elaborated on the various streams Bhakti, Karma, Jnana and Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga also known as Patanjali Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga which consists of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharma, Dhyana and Samadhi was very well briefed by the Trainer. Post knowledge transformation, experiential learning was initiated comprising of various Asanas in the standing position like Tadasana, Ardhakatichakrasana, Padahastasana, Ardha chakrasana, Vrikshasana. Asanas in the sitting position like Janushirasana, Paschimottanasana, Ustrasana and Bhadrasana. Asanas in the sleeping position like Ardhahalasana, Navasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana. The session ended with Surya Namaskar, savasana and meditation with chanting.

The above yogic asanas could be practiced regularly even in hectic schedule. 

Dr. Arati Kale Dr. Priyadarshini Nidhan

Sr No Nature of Work
1 Theory - for better understanding of yoga and its need in today's modern world.
2 Asanas - (prevention as well as cure) to keep body fit and flexible, rejuvenating & toxin free.
3 Surya Namaskar - Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses. Besides being a great cardiovascular workout, Surya Namaskar is also known to have an immensely positive impact on the body and mind.
4 Meditation - to calm and relax and combat stress, etc.

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