Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.            Donec nec enim eu purus rutrum placerat viverra eu elit.            Etiam eu scelerisque enim.

Affordable Technologies for SME Sector in India, 27th March, 2015

Sr.No Name of the speaker Organization Designation Title of the seminar 1 Dr. T.P. Madhu Nair Faculty of Commerce, Mumbai Dean Importance of SME sector it’s significant contribution to the inclusive growth of the Indian economy. 2 Dr. Arun Pande ITRA-Water, Media Lab Asia, Department of Electronics, Ministry of Communication & IT Program Director Transformation… Continue reading Affordable Technologies for SME Sector in India, 27th March, 2015

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Digital Marketing – Prospects and Challenges 14th March, 2015

Sr.No Name of the speaker Organization Designation Topic 1 Prof. Y. K. Bhushan IBS Business School Mumbai, Senior Advisor and Campus Head Inaugural address 2 Mr. Rahul Jain Inno Serv Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chief Strategist Challenges of designing a digital campaign through social media 3 Mr. Rushabh, Vasa Instinct Media, Founder and CEO, overview of… Continue reading Digital Marketing – Prospects and Challenges 14th March, 2015

Categorized as Seminars